[email protected]
Classes Taught:
Ag Science 6
Ag Science 7
Applied Agricultural Concepts
Course Materials:
All course materials are uploaded to the google classroom associated with each individual class block. Students are invited via email during the first class session. Parents that would like to have access to the google classroom, may email for the class code to join.

A note from Ms. Parr:
Welcome to AMS and welcome to Ag Science. I am eager to get to know you all and learn about your interest and hobbies. I grew up in Amherst and attended Amherst Middle and Amherst High School. I grew up on a beef cattle farm. I quickly learned to love the farm lifestyle, and I would not have it any other way. I went to Virginia Tech to study Animal Science. During this course, I hope to encourage students to become interested in Agriculture, because of how important it is to our every day life.
During this year, students will have many hands on opportunities. Joining FFA is also another way to get the full Agriculture experience at AMS. There will be chances for students to go to competitions to test their knowledge on the many agriculture sectors, from forestry to livestock. We learn how to plant seeds to grow vegetable plants that can then be planted to grow vegetables. Buckle up and bring your eagerness to learn with you to class, because we have many fun activities ahead!